One of my Fathers favourite restaurants was the restaurant of the Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam. At the time (1950 – 1960) the Chef was Mr A.H.J. Overmars. When visiting Holland, business or pleasure, the Amstel Hotel was always on the menu!
This recipe is for 8 to 9 persons.
Venison of approximately 1.2kgs (skinned, sides trimmed)
200gr Butter
10 Crushed black peppercorns
1 small finely diced onion
½ sliced large carrot ("winterpeen")
15gr blueberry jelly
1 can of Mocke Turtle (https://culinarylore.com/food-history:what-is-mock-turtle-soup/)
½ l Beef Stock
The venison is trimmed on sides to make the venison “straight”. This is necessary for the cooking process to take place evenly over the meat.
Brown the trimmings in a pan add the Mocke Turtle and half a litre of bouillon. Boil gently for
approximately 1 ½ hour. -
Put the butter in a roasting pan and let it brown lightly. Carefully lay the venison in the browned butter and sear on all sides.
Put the roasting pan with the venison in a pre-heated oven (+/- 200C), 25 minutes medium-rare, 35 minutes well done. Regularly drip the browned butter over the venison. This will keep the meat tender and soft.
Take the roasting pan out of the oven, take out the venison, and keep warm under a double layer of kitchen foil. Add the crushed pepper, onion, carrot, and jelly to the roasting pan. Fry this for an additional 5 to 10 minutes.
Now add the Mocke Turtle-bouillon-meat mixture to the roasting pan and boil mixture over high heat (5 to 10 minutes). Now slightly bind the sauce (gravy thickness) and pass the whole through a sieve.
As for sides, you can serve:
Berry jelly or blueberry jelly
Stewed (gestoofd) halves of apple
Haricots vert
Brussels sprouts
Green asparagus
Pommes noisettes
